Orkut Hack: You can now receive Scraps via SMS that too free of cost!

Well, you might be surprised by this new feature. The first question that must be going around in your mind would be " question Why the hell Google is giving out this great feature free of cost!". Let me first clear that this hack has no association with the services provided by Google (apart from your scrapbook and of course Orkut lol )

Specifications Required: Any Indian Network Operated Mobile Phone.

Before Telling you the procedure to implement this hack, let me first tell you what's the mechanism behind this hack. Actually this process is a combination of two steps. First is sending your (new) scraps to someone, who can access your scrapbook. Second is to send those scraps to your mobile phone via SMS. The first step is achieved by Scrapbook Feeds and the second by using a free Feed updater (via SMS) provided by Mytoday.


arrowSMS REG to 09845398453. (Cost=Premium Charges as per operator)
arrowLogin to your Mytoday account using the password that you will receive from them and the user name as you mobile number (the one which you used for SMS biggrin ).
arrowClick Here to manage your SMS Feed Updates.
arrowIn the Name Section, write "Orkut Scrap". (You may opt other Name also)
arrowEnter URL as: "http://www.indian-tv.com/orkut.php?uid=xxxxxxxxxx", where xxxxxxxxxx is your Orkut Profile ID.
arrowPut a before "Send SMS" Option and click on Create.


arrowScraps Come too Late (Approx 5-6 Hours).
arrowWord Limit of Approx 71 Words.
arrowMytoday might not deliver password on first attempt.
arrowYour Scrapbook must be unlocked.

Even though this hack so many limitations, it is worth giving a try. After all everything is free of cost. redface


This hack stopped working for a while but is now back into motion! Just one change into it. Replace the link
http://www.indian-tv.com/orkut.php?uid=xxxxxxxxxx with http://www.orkutfeeds.com/feed.php?url=yyyyyyyyyy, where yyyyyyyyyy is your Scrapbook link! e.g. http://www.orkut.com/Scrapbook.aspx?uid=17698551115556711909

Special thanks to Rahul Bansal for Orkut Feeds!
