Photo Albums in Orkut
News: Orkut introduces Multiple Album Creation.
Orkut is the best place for sharing snaps and videos. But till now there is a limited space to share your beloved photos. Recently Orkut has introduced a new feature, which gives it a picasa like appearance.(orkut Blog: Photo Albums on orkut)
Now that you can have 100 photos, we thought you might want to organize them into multiple albums to make it easier for you and others to enjoy. We were looking for ways to group all of our photos on orkut based on the different experiences that they shared. Today, orkut will be launching Photo Albums! Have many photos from a recent trip? Create an album specifically for that trip. Lots of pics from a recent night out with friends? Create another album with just those photos!
All of your current photos will be stored by default in their own album. Feel free to setup new ones by going to "photos" from your homepage. Once you have created an album, simply click on it and start uploading new photos inside. You can also change the cover photo by clicking on "edit" of the photo that you want to appear, and then selecting "album cover."
All of us from orkut look forward to sharing our latest photos with you!
Vacations are over and I hope you enjoyed a lot. Ahh.. you collected lots of pictures and now thinking to share them on Orkut
. Welcome to Orkut's New Album update.
Now you will be able to arrange your Pictures as per your requirements and choice, because you can now manage your Albums as different-different categories assigned to them such as holidays, marriage or friends, school and whatever you want. This makes picture sharing more fun.
One feature orkut should have given is to move photos between albums. As of now if you have uploaded lots of photos on orkut on different topics, you can not move them just into different albums. You have to download them first to hard drive, then upload them again in different album!
Happy Sharing
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