Style up your Nicknames
Fonts: This web page provides you with a variety of fonts for you nicknames.
°l||l° bean °l||l°
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Many users on Orkut don't like their simple names to be shown on their profiles. They say that spicing up your names spice up your profiles. So, here we are with some cool stylers. They style up your names in many ways. Read more to know the list of available fonts.Snick (Style-nick) is a great nickname editor, you input a nick name (or any other text you want to modify), and then you have several editing options, you can reverse the nick, you can add pattern either side of the nick, and finally (and most important) replace normal characters with other weirder characters which resemble the originals!! Snick is basically a glorified ASCII editor, as it edits normal characters with other less used ASCII alternatives.
with Snick you can make seriously crazy nick's for MSN Messenger, WLM Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Skype, AOL, Mercury Messenger, or any other messaging program out there, or you can make them for your blog's, website's or anything else! There even fun to use on chat rooms!!So, to enjoy these feature, just visit and play with your imaginations
Coming Next: Glitter Fonts to scribble special scraps. So, keep on visiting .
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