Your Voice in a Scrap??
HTML Snippet: This snippet allows you to send invisible voice scraps and that too in your own voice to your friends on orkut.
Have you ever imagined to send your near and dear ones your voice messages using orkut scraps?? Then Orkutaddons is here for you to make your imagination come true!~!~!
Yes, now with us, you can send, what we can call, VOICE SCRAPS.
So now you might be wondering how is this possible.. With us, it is not at all a difficult task..
Here we are posting an example for you to try out this new revolution.
This script will let you send a scrap which will appear as invisible, but it will contain a FEARFUL SHRIEK. So try out this one and let us know if you like this or not.
Copy the script and paste it in the scrap you want to send. Click on submit. Get through the image verification code quickly and you will surprise your friends.
Do send your replies to us for going further in VOICE SCRAPS only on Orkut Addons!
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